Answer Pip for Python 2 is not included in the Ubuntu 20.04 repositories. If: matrix.PYTEST_QT_API = 'pyqt5' & matrix.python-version = '3. 1 sudo apt install python-pip / python2-pip / python2.7-pip 2 but none worked. labelme2coco.py data_annotated data_dataset_coco -labels labels.txt & git checkout. The above command assumes an env in the directory yourenv. In most cases you should be using virtualenv or venv to create isolated environments to install your dependencies in. If your setting has 'automatic proxy detection' then use the below method to. yourenv/Scripts/pip.exe install pyqt5-tools5.15 You will generally install pyqt5-tools using pip install.

chrome settings-> advanced options -> under Network -> 'change proxy settings'). (cd examples/instance_segmentation & rm -rf data_dataset_coco &. Go to your browser and check the proxy settings ( IE Tools->Internet Options -> connections Tab -> Lan Settings. Pip install cython & pip install pycocotools # for instance_segmentation/labelme2coco.py labelme2voc.py data_annotated data_dataset_voc -labels labels.txt & git checkout. (cd examples/bbox_detection & rm -rf data_dataset_voc &. Pip install lxml # for bbox_detection/labelme2voc.py (cd examples/video_annotation & rm -rf data_dataset_voc &. (cd examples/instance_segmentation & rm -rf data_dataset_voc &. (cd examples/semantic_segmentation & rm -rf data_dataset_voc &. (cd examples/tutorial & rm -rf apc2016_obj3_json & labelme_json_to_dataset apc2016_obj3.json & python load_label_png.py & git checkout. (cd examples/primitives & labelme_json_to_dataset primitives.json & rm -rf primitives_json) MPLBACKEND='agg' pytest tests -m 'not gpu' If you run sip-install it will install the bindings from the sdist package but you can customize numerous aspects of the installation process as well.

Meanwhile, pip will process the sdist package and compile and install libpip as well as its parent lib pip, but we need qmake on PATH to do that. sbin/start-stop-daemon -start -quiet -pidfile /tmp/custom_xvfb_99.pid -make-pidfile -background -exec /usr/bin/Xvfb - :99 -screen 0 1920x1200x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset It is recommended that you install PyQt5 using PyPI: pip install PyQt5. Python-version: $" = "ubuntu-latest" ] then